Nollywood Actress, Angela Okorie who has been a known bad girl has passed through a lot recently. She escaped death twice in matter of months.First she had an accident in a night club in Lagos and was badly injured.
Secondly,she escaped assasination just the day she launched her music career.
Though there has been stories of sleeping with married men and women attached to her name ,it didn’t stop her from living her life happily. Who is even perfect?
Since Angela Okorie cheated death weeks ago she has truly been grateful and talks about God without any reservations.
Nollywood Actress, Angela Okorie took out a moment to thank God for life as she cries profusely on new video speaking on how things she has overcome because its been “Pains upon pains” lately for her.
Beautiful Angela Okorie said she cannot even start to imagine what she has been through.
She wrote:
Life is deep you know?Huh? Have u ever gotten to a point in ur life and it seems all hope is gone
Just only you and your God
I pray No one experience what I have been through in the resent time, hmmmmmmmm
It’s been really tough oooooo
Injections upon injections
Medicines upon medicines Tufiakwa
At some point self I hardly sleep at night , and like seriously I don’t joke with my sleep fam
Some Nights I will be crying like a baby cos of pain kaiiiiii ,
If I never take sleeping tablets, my eyes won’t close Whatttttttt
Take out time and visit those in the hospital you will understand why you need to live like is ur last day on earth , no reasons to live a lie , even in ur Little way, this life is empty people are laying critically ill at hospitals
different kinds of sickness
You’ve never heard b4, human being Dey sick am hmmmmm
Be grateful for life everyday
Many are Gone and some1 else is enjoying their wealth, thank God
You are better than someone ,
Every day I look at my son and say God I thank u for keeping me alive
we go about our hustle everyday and yet we come back protected.
You sleep freely ,wake up sound and alive is not by your own making
just say Protect me and my family lord
It’s a short prayer that goes along way “
She has seen the awesome hands of God work in her life and she now preaches before the whole world and prays for people.
Though some people will still refer her to the old stigma attached to her name but she has a new life to preach about.
Let’s read your say about this Angela’s new life style and don’t forget to share this story .